PRPS partners with Synaxon AG - Blog & News - Pelikan
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PRPS partners with Synaxon AG

13 Aug. 2020

Following the successful launch with Synaxon U.K., PRPS GmbH have expanded the special relationship to launch the Pelikan branded printing supplies range with Synaxon AG in Germany. 

This partnership will mean that Synaxon dealers in Germany will be able to access and supply their customers with the award winning Pelikan brand Laser toners, ink cartridges, ribbons and labels and from August, the game-changing Pelikan Bio Based cartridges. 

Steve Weedon, CEO of PRPS commented "We are very excited about the launch with Synaxon Germany. There is a natural synergy between their approach to the market and their dealers and the way we have been developing our business in Germany and across Europe".  

Steve went on to say "The Pelikan brand delivers consistent high quality, backed up by a 3 year guarantee. In fact, the Pelikan brand was actually founded in Germany nearly 180 years ago and as such it has incredible brand recognition with End Users and Dealers". 

In addition to the brand awareness, quality and guarantee, PRPS GmbH are making significant investments to support and reward Synaxon Germany’s dealer members and their customers. 

Synaxon’s members will be automatically approved to join the incredible Rewards Club. This is a unique rewards programme which allows dealers to claim points for every Pelikan product that they sell. The points can be accumulated and claimed against hundreds of products and gifts. 

In addition to rewards for dealers, we have gone even further to help dealers win business and retain customers by extending the Rewards Club to end user customers. They too can register to benefit in exactly the same way. 

For more information go to

In addition to the rewards programme, PRPS is investing into a full marketing programme online and in print to further develop the brand awareness and help dealers win more business. 

When asked to summarise his strategy for growth in Germany Steve said “This is an incredibly exciting time. We have joined forces with Synaxon Germany, who are very strong and well placed to help customers benefit from Pelikan branded printing supplies. We have a fantastic way of rewarding dealers and end user customers and to help increase repeat purchase with our Rewards Club and we have a robust channel pricing strategy which helps encourage high margin sales. But there’s more - in August we will finally launch the Pelikan Bio Based cartridge range. These amazing new products will change the game! 48% of the toner powder is derived from organic material and 57% of the actual plastics are also derived from organic materials. The cartridges are specially designed to be remanufactured using standard parts and of course we want to collect them and do exactly that. But, if they were to end up in landfill they would actually start to decompose at around 180 days in typical composting conditions. These new Bio Based cartridges will completely change the game and any end user customer who genuinely cares about the environment or has serious CSR targets or ambitions simply has to consider using them”. 

More information about Pelikan branded Bio Based cartridges is available at

PRPS are investing heavily in terms of important new product development, rewards programmes and marketing to support dealers in Germany and the partnership with Synaxon will help more customers experience the quality and value of Pelikan branded printing supplies.

For further information contact: Reinder Dijkstra @

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