Reducing Carbon Footprint by Using Compatible Toner Cartridge - Blog & News - Pelikan
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Reducing Carbon Footprint by Using Compatible Toner Cartridge

17 May. 2022

According to statistics, over 500 million toner cartridges are used every year in the United States and then thrown away. And most of them end up in landfill. In addition, evidence has shown that the empty toner cartridges have contributed to 700 million pounds of waste to the environment, including, increasing carbon emissions.

However, the compatible toner cartridge, which aims to reduce carbon footprint, comes to the rescue of the environment. It is acknowledged that the compatible toner cartridge has more than 97% of the recyclable parts. Due to its various merits, such as tapering down the carbon footprint, cost-effectiveness, and others, the compatible toner cartridge is becoming increasingly popular.

In case you are still unfamiliar with eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges, this article will guide you to form a comprehensive understanding of them and recommend the best place to get environmentally friendly products. So let’s scroll down for more information.

Pelikan branded Eco-Friendly No Waste (SmarTact Max) Toner Cartridge

Impact of Toner Cartridges Failing to Reduce Carbon Footprint

Firstly, we will mention some of the impacts of toner cartridges failing to reduce carbon footprint. 

Consume More Natural Resources

New cartridges consume lots of natural resources. A report shows that for every 100,000 new cartridges, manufacturers take about 40 additional tons of plastic, 5 tons of aluminum, and 250,000 more gallons of oils.

Increase the Pollution

The used cartridges can damage the environment because they are either burnt or put into landfill, both cases may eventually take a toll on our environment. Data shows that decomposing the cartridges in the soil requires 450 to 1,000 years and may release pollutants into the environment.

Contributes Harmful Emissions

The processing of new cartridges needs more energy, contributing to harmful greenhouse gases to the environment.


Benefits of Compatible Toner Cartridges Aiming at Reducing Carbon Footprint

Now, let us see the benefits of eco-friendly compatible cartridges to reduce carbon footprint. 

Reduce the Carbon Footprint

The fact that eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges reduce greenhouse gas emissions is quite clear. You will be surprised to know that each cartridge prevents oil and waste in landfills. So, by choosing eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges, organizations reduce their carbon footprint to a significant extent.

→ Download Now: Carbon Footprint Assessment Report of Toner Cartridges [Free Report]

Enhance the Ability to Recycle and Degrade

The fascinating thing about eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges is their ability to save costs by effectively recycling and degrading. For instance, if you choose a compatible toner cartridge provider who can offer recyclable and degradable products, you will save thousands of pounds of cartridges in landfills each month. Print-Rite is proud to say that we are constantly dedicated to providing recyclable and degradable products which can reduce carbon footprint to a large extent. 

Not Harmful to Humans

There is no harm to humans from eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges. They are beneficial as they reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Besides, recycling assists us in sustaining the environment for future generations, and recycling the toner cartridges also allows the manufacturing of other products.

Pelikan branded Bio-based Toner Cartridge

Pelikan branded eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges are produced in accordance with the green procurement to monitor our selection and supply sources. The strict control of the whole supply chain ensures all materials used in our compatible toner cartridges are safe for people and the environment.


The Best Place to Buy Eco-Friendly Compatible Toner Cartridges

Now you have a more comprehensive understanding of eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges, the next thing is to buy them. If you are in the market and want to use cost effective, eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges, Pelikan branded cartridges are the best way to satisfy your requirements. Our eco-friendly compatible toner cartridges will reduce the damaging effects in landfill, therefore reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The carbon footprint of our improved products is 3-4 times less than that of other products in the market, which encourages the environmental benefits. The cherry on top is that we are constantly dedicated to researching resource recycling. One example is that millions of used cartridge pieces have been recycled at our site over the past few years.

Pelikan Eco-Friendly SmartDuo Toner Cartridge

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